Current UCWA By-laws and Constitution updated January 2019
The name of this organization, incorporated under Utah law, shall be the Utah CattleWomen’s Association. The purpose of this organization shall be to serve as an auxiliary to the Utah Cattlemen’s Association, and to promote the welfare of the Beef Industry, and create friendship among the members.
Section 1. Membership in the Utah CattleWomen’s Association shall be women who are interested
in the welfare of the cattle industry.
Section 2. A member in good standing shall be one who has paid her current state dues.
Accepted November 29, 2018
Section 3. State dues shall be $10.00 per member. The membership fiscal year shall be from October
1 to September 30.
Section 4. Only a member in good standing shall be allowed to vote.
Section 1. Officers in this organization shall be a president, a first vice-president/president-elect. A
second vice president, a secretary-treasurer, membership chair, historian, and a third vice
president is optional.
Section 2. Area directors shall be chosen from representatives districts of the state.
Accepted July 27, 2017
Section 3. The secretary-treasurer shall be appointed by the president whom she is to serve, and may
be filled by two people, if deemed necessary, having a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
Section 4. The membership chairman shall be appointed by the president whom she is to serve.
Section 5. The historian shall be appointed by the president whom she is to serve.
Section 6. The president and vice presidents shall be elected at the annual business meeting held in
Section 7. All officers shall be elected for a term of one year.
Section 8. No member of the executive committee shall hold the same office for more than two
consecutive years.
Section 9. A president and any or all vice presidents may be re-elected at the annual business meeting
and returned to office for a total term not to exceed two years. The nominating committee
shall report at the annual meeting.
Section 10. Any member in good standing may submit the name of a candidate to the nominating
committee or nominate a candidate from the floor at the general membership business
meeting where elections are taking place. (accepted 12-5-2013)
Accepted December 5, 2013
Section 11. Members of the nominating committee shall consist of the three most recent past
presidents. The nominating committee shall be chaired by the third term back past
president. This committee may receive recommendations from state officers, area
directors, and members.
A. The nominating committee shall meet to propose candidates for the following
offices: President; President-elect; 2nd Vice-president. 3rd & 4th Vice-presidents
are optional.
B. The Chair President of the nominating committee shall contact candidates by
phone call or mail at least two weeks before the annual convention to arrange an
interview time to be held on the first day of the annual convention.
C. The Chair President of the nominating committee shall present the candidates to
be voted upon by the general membership at the annual general membership
business meeting. (accepted 12-5-2013)
Section 12. Newly elected officers shall take office at the end of the winter state convention.
Section 13. The Board of Directors shall consist of the incumbent state officers, area directors, and the
immediate past president.
Section 1. The executive committee shall consist of the president, vice presidents, secretary-treasurer,
membership chairman, historian, with the immediate past officers serving in an advisory
capacity when necessary.
Section 2. The executive officers will turn in receipts to be reimbursed for purchases for UCWA with
only UCWA expenses on the receipt to the Secretary/Treasurer. (accepted 12-4-2014)
Section 1. Duties of the President:
A. The president shall call meetings of the executive committee when necessary. This call shall
give the members of the committee two weeks notice, and shall state the nature of the
business to be transacted.
B. The president shall preside at all general and special meetings.
C. The president shall select the secretary-treasurer, membership chairman and historian.
D. The president shall assign duties to the vice presidents.
E. The president shall be a voting member of the Utah Beef Council, and as such shall
attend all appropriate meetings.
F. The president shall act as an ex-officio member of the Utah Cattlemen’s Board of Directors,
and shall attend all appropriate meetings.
G. The president shall be the chairperson of the State Beef Cook-off, or shall appoint another
member in good standing to act as chairman.
H. The president shall serve on the nominating committee for the three years following her term
of office or six years depending on the term of office of the presidents who preceded her.
(accepted 12-5-2013)
Section 2. Duties of the First Vice President/President-elect:
A. The first vice president shall be the president-elect, and shall preside in the absence of the
B. Other duties of the first vice president shall be assigned by the president.
Section 3. Duties of the Second and Third Vice Presidents:
A. The duties of the second and third vice presidents shall be assigned by the president.
Section 4. Duties of the Secretary-Treasurer:
A. The secretary-treasurer shall keep the minutes of all meetings called by the president.
B. The secretary-treasurer shall file an annual report with the Utah Secretary of State, required
by law under which the Utah Cattle Women are incorporated.
C. The secretary-treasurer shall present a written financial report at the winter convention
business session.
D. The secretary-treasurer shall be responsible for depositing all receipts and paying the
financial bills as requested by the President and/or Board of Directors. She will accept all
state dues, and forward the membership list to the state membership chair. She shall be
responsible for paying the national charter dues each March, and forwarding any national
membership dues to the membership chair.
DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY-TREASURER accepted at the general membership meeting December 2011
E. Shall collect all receipts before making any reimbursements or disbursements.
F. Shall note the receipt as PAID with the check # and purpose of payment written on the receipt.
G. Shall prepare financial records to be given to the audit committee at the end of the fiscal year
which will consist of all fiscal year bank statements, financial reports and receipts.
H. Shall keep all bank statements and financial reports for a period of at least 7 years.
Section 5. The membership chairman send out the annual President’s letter. She will collect and
record all national dues and submit to the American National CattleWomen’s headquarters
as due payment requires. She will mail out State membership reports to the national
Section 6. The duties of the historian will be to keep an account of UCWA’s activities.
Section 7. The Budget Committee shall prepare and submit a financial budget for the
coming year to be ratified at the winter convention business general session.
Section 8. The state executive board shall review and revise the by-laws at the end of each president’s
term, and shall present the proposed changes at the winter conventions general business
TRAVEL AND EXPENSES accepted December 5, 2013?
Section 1. All officers, directors, and committee chairmen who represent the Utah CattleWomen’s
Association on official business as directed by the president shall do so at their personal
Section 2. The president, as the budget permits, shall have her travel and housing paid for the
following conventions and workshops.
A. National CattleWomen’s Convention
B. National Mid-Year Convention
C. ANCW Region VI Convention
Section 3. The first vice president, as budget permits, shall have her travel and room expenses paid
A. National CattleWomen’s Convention
B. National Mid-Year Convention.
C. ANCW Region VI Convention
Section 4. A State volunteer to a National Cooking Event shall be reimbursed as the budget permits
up to $500 for expenses incurred while helping with the event, She shall give receipts to
the Secretary before being reimbursed for her expenses.
Section 5. All travel and housing expenses must be authorized by the CattleWomen’s State
Executive Board, and only if the budget permits. Any debts that are incurred above and
beyond budget availability will be the sole responsibility of the president/president –elect
incurring the expense while in the office.
Section 6. In the event the current president cannot attend a required convention, the Executive Board
is authorized to appoint someone to attend in her stead, only if budget permits.
Section 1. Any member in good standing may suggest changes to be considered and voted upon by the
general membership.
Section 2. A majority vote of members in good standing at the annual or semi-annual convention is
necessary to effect an update of amendments to this constitution.
It is proposed that the Utah CattleWomen’s Association, hereafter known as the UCWA, amend the bylaws of the UCWA to include a scholarship fund and that the amendment would state the following:
Section 1. A scholarship in the amount of $500.00 will be presented to a deserving student and
possibly two if the budget permits, who has chosen to continue their education in an
agriculture based field or any major of their choice.
Section 2. The scholarship(s) shall be awarded after a scholarship committee consisting of three
members in good standing of the UCWA, one of the three to be named a scholarship
chairman, has reviewed all applications of interested students and the committee shall
make a decision based on the following:
A. Parents or guardians of the applicant are members of the Utah Cattlemen’s
Association and/or the Utah CattleWomen’s Association who are members
in good standing with all dues paid and current.
B. The applicant(s) will be continuing their education in an agriculture based
field or any major of their choice.
C. This scholarship will be offered to high school seniors or college freshman,
sophomores or juniors.
Section 3. The funds for the scholarship(s) will come from monies donated by sponsors who specify
that such donations are to be used as scholarship monies and from other UCWA funds.
Section 4. The scholarship(s) will be awarded to the recipient(s) upon receipt of proof of enrollment
to the institution of choice, either through a copy of a receipt of paid tuition for classes, or
a copy of a list of enrollment classes, Proof of enrollment to a higher institution shall be
sent to the UCWA secretary. The scholarship chair will make this request in her letter to
the recipient(s).
Section 5. The scholarship(s) will be awarded only as budget permits and will be an on-going project
of the UCWA as long as sponsors are available.
AUDIT COMMITTEE accepted December 2011
It is proposed that the Utah Cattle Women’s Association, hereafter known as the UCWA, in order to insure proper handling of UCWA funds and to protect those who handle said funds, amend the bylaws of the UCWA to include the formation of an Audit Committee and that the amendment would state the following:
Section 1. Members of the committee shall be made up of a past UCWA Secretary/Treasurer, a Past
President of the UCWA, a Member-at-Large of the UCWA, and a Past President of the Utah
Cattlemen’s Association.
A. The Past President committee member shall be nominated from among the past presidents of the UCWA, shall be in good standing with and a current member of the UCWA. She will be elected at the general membership business meeting during the annual convention to serve a term of 3 years. If for any reason the current Past President committee member cannot finish out her 3 year term a new one shall be elected at the annual convention to finish out the term.
B. The Member at Large committee member shall be nominated from the general membership, shall be in good standing with and a current member of the UCWA. She will be elected at the general membership business meeting during the annual convention to serve a term of 2 years. If for any reason the current Member at Large committee member cannot finish out her 2 year term a new one shall be elected at the annual convention to finish out the term.
C. The past UCWA Secretary/Treasurer committee member shall be nominated from among the past secretary/treasurers of the UCWA, shall be in good standing with and a current member of the UCWA. She will be elected at the general membership business meeting during the annual convention to serve a term of 2 years. If for any reason the current Past President committee member cannot finish out her 2 year term a new one shall be elected at the annual convention to finish out the term
D. The Past Cattlemen’s President Committee member shall be determined by the Utah Cattlemen’s Association and shall serve a term of 3 years. If for any reason the current Past Cattlemen’s President Committee member cannot finish out his 3 year term a new one shall be appointed at the annual convention to finish out the term.
Accepted November 29, 2018
Section 2. The Audit Committee shall meet by October of the current fiscal year to present their report
to the Board of Directors and the Budget committee so the Budget committee can prepare a
projected budget to present at the annual general membership meeting. They shall submit a
report of their findings to the current UCWA Executive Committee to be presented to the
Board of Directors at the mid-year convention and the general membership at the annual
Section 3. The duties of the Audit Committee shall be:
A. Review the bank statements and financial transactions of the past fiscal year.
B. Reconcile receipts to matching check numbers, and to make sure all receipts have been marked
PAID and purpose of disbursement defined.
C. Make sure all reimbursements and payments are in line with the descriptions of allocations found in
Article V.
D. Make sure all deposits are handled appropriately with a detailed description of how much was
deposited and source of income.
E. Make recommendations of how to improve the records, adjust mistakes or acknowledge a job well
BUDGET COMMITTEE accepted 12-5-2013
It is proposed that the Utah Cattle Women’s Association, hereafter known as the UCWA, amend the bylaws of the UCWA to include a Budget Committee and that the amendment would state the following:
Accepted November 29, 2018
Section 1. Members of the committee shall be made up of the current UCWA president, President-elect,
Secretary/Treasurer, the Immediate Past UCWA president and a Member-At-Large.
A. The President shall serve on the committee for the duration of her term. If for any reason she is
unable to finish out her term, the newly elected President shall fill that position.
B. The President-elect shall serve on the committee for the duration of her term. If for any reason she
is unable to finish out her term, the newly elected President-elect shall fill that position.
C. The Secretary/Treasurer shall serve on the committee for the duration of her term. If for any reason
she is unable to finish out her term, the President shall appoint a new Secretary/Treasurer to fill that
D. The Member-At-Large committee member shall be nominated from the general membership, shall
be in good standing with and a current member of the UCWA. She will be elected at the general
membership business meeting during the annual convention to serve a term of 3 years. If for any
reason the current Member -At-Large committee member cannot finish out her 3 year term a new
one shall be elected at the annual convention to finish out the term.
Accepted November 29, 2018
Section 2. The Budget Committee shall meet after the Audit committee prepares their report in October
and before the annual convention to prepare a budget to be brought forth before the Executive
Committee for approval. It will then be presented to the general membership at the annual
meeting for acceptance by a motion and a second. Copies will be made available to the
general membership for their own review at the general membership annual mee
The name of this organization, incorporated under Utah law, shall be the Utah CattleWomen’s Association. The purpose of this organization shall be to serve as an auxiliary to the Utah Cattlemen’s Association, and to promote the welfare of the Beef Industry, and create friendship among the members.
Section 1. Membership in the Utah CattleWomen’s Association shall be women who are interested
in the welfare of the cattle industry.
Section 2. A member in good standing shall be one who has paid her current state dues.
Accepted November 29, 2018
Section 3. State dues shall be $10.00 per member. The membership fiscal year shall be from October
1 to September 30.
Section 4. Only a member in good standing shall be allowed to vote.
Section 1. Officers in this organization shall be a president, a first vice-president/president-elect. A
second vice president, a secretary-treasurer, membership chair, historian, and a third vice
president is optional.
Section 2. Area directors shall be chosen from representatives districts of the state.
Accepted July 27, 2017
Section 3. The secretary-treasurer shall be appointed by the president whom she is to serve, and may
be filled by two people, if deemed necessary, having a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
Section 4. The membership chairman shall be appointed by the president whom she is to serve.
Section 5. The historian shall be appointed by the president whom she is to serve.
Section 6. The president and vice presidents shall be elected at the annual business meeting held in
Section 7. All officers shall be elected for a term of one year.
Section 8. No member of the executive committee shall hold the same office for more than two
consecutive years.
Section 9. A president and any or all vice presidents may be re-elected at the annual business meeting
and returned to office for a total term not to exceed two years. The nominating committee
shall report at the annual meeting.
Section 10. Any member in good standing may submit the name of a candidate to the nominating
committee or nominate a candidate from the floor at the general membership business
meeting where elections are taking place. (accepted 12-5-2013)
Accepted December 5, 2013
Section 11. Members of the nominating committee shall consist of the three most recent past
presidents. The nominating committee shall be chaired by the third term back past
president. This committee may receive recommendations from state officers, area
directors, and members.
A. The nominating committee shall meet to propose candidates for the following
offices: President; President-elect; 2nd Vice-president. 3rd & 4th Vice-presidents
are optional.
B. The Chair President of the nominating committee shall contact candidates by
phone call or mail at least two weeks before the annual convention to arrange an
interview time to be held on the first day of the annual convention.
C. The Chair President of the nominating committee shall present the candidates to
be voted upon by the general membership at the annual general membership
business meeting. (accepted 12-5-2013)
Section 12. Newly elected officers shall take office at the end of the winter state convention.
Section 13. The Board of Directors shall consist of the incumbent state officers, area directors, and the
immediate past president.
Section 1. The executive committee shall consist of the president, vice presidents, secretary-treasurer,
membership chairman, historian, with the immediate past officers serving in an advisory
capacity when necessary.
Section 2. The executive officers will turn in receipts to be reimbursed for purchases for UCWA with
only UCWA expenses on the receipt to the Secretary/Treasurer. (accepted 12-4-2014)
Section 1. Duties of the President:
A. The president shall call meetings of the executive committee when necessary. This call shall
give the members of the committee two weeks notice, and shall state the nature of the
business to be transacted.
B. The president shall preside at all general and special meetings.
C. The president shall select the secretary-treasurer, membership chairman and historian.
D. The president shall assign duties to the vice presidents.
E. The president shall be a voting member of the Utah Beef Council, and as such shall
attend all appropriate meetings.
F. The president shall act as an ex-officio member of the Utah Cattlemen’s Board of Directors,
and shall attend all appropriate meetings.
G. The president shall be the chairperson of the State Beef Cook-off, or shall appoint another
member in good standing to act as chairman.
H. The president shall serve on the nominating committee for the three years following her term
of office or six years depending on the term of office of the presidents who preceded her.
(accepted 12-5-2013)
Section 2. Duties of the First Vice President/President-elect:
A. The first vice president shall be the president-elect, and shall preside in the absence of the
B. Other duties of the first vice president shall be assigned by the president.
Section 3. Duties of the Second and Third Vice Presidents:
A. The duties of the second and third vice presidents shall be assigned by the president.
Section 4. Duties of the Secretary-Treasurer:
A. The secretary-treasurer shall keep the minutes of all meetings called by the president.
B. The secretary-treasurer shall file an annual report with the Utah Secretary of State, required
by law under which the Utah Cattle Women are incorporated.
C. The secretary-treasurer shall present a written financial report at the winter convention
business session.
D. The secretary-treasurer shall be responsible for depositing all receipts and paying the
financial bills as requested by the President and/or Board of Directors. She will accept all
state dues, and forward the membership list to the state membership chair. She shall be
responsible for paying the national charter dues each March, and forwarding any national
membership dues to the membership chair.
DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY-TREASURER accepted at the general membership meeting December 2011
E. Shall collect all receipts before making any reimbursements or disbursements.
F. Shall note the receipt as PAID with the check # and purpose of payment written on the receipt.
G. Shall prepare financial records to be given to the audit committee at the end of the fiscal year
which will consist of all fiscal year bank statements, financial reports and receipts.
H. Shall keep all bank statements and financial reports for a period of at least 7 years.
Section 5. The membership chairman send out the annual President’s letter. She will collect and
record all national dues and submit to the American National CattleWomen’s headquarters
as due payment requires. She will mail out State membership reports to the national
Section 6. The duties of the historian will be to keep an account of UCWA’s activities.
Section 7. The Budget Committee shall prepare and submit a financial budget for the
coming year to be ratified at the winter convention business general session.
Section 8. The state executive board shall review and revise the by-laws at the end of each president’s
term, and shall present the proposed changes at the winter conventions general business
TRAVEL AND EXPENSES accepted December 5, 2013?
Section 1. All officers, directors, and committee chairmen who represent the Utah CattleWomen’s
Association on official business as directed by the president shall do so at their personal
Section 2. The president, as the budget permits, shall have her travel and housing paid for the
following conventions and workshops.
A. National CattleWomen’s Convention
B. National Mid-Year Convention
C. ANCW Region VI Convention
Section 3. The first vice president, as budget permits, shall have her travel and room expenses paid
A. National CattleWomen’s Convention
B. National Mid-Year Convention.
C. ANCW Region VI Convention
Section 4. A State volunteer to a National Cooking Event shall be reimbursed as the budget permits
up to $500 for expenses incurred while helping with the event, She shall give receipts to
the Secretary before being reimbursed for her expenses.
Section 5. All travel and housing expenses must be authorized by the CattleWomen’s State
Executive Board, and only if the budget permits. Any debts that are incurred above and
beyond budget availability will be the sole responsibility of the president/president –elect
incurring the expense while in the office.
Section 6. In the event the current president cannot attend a required convention, the Executive Board
is authorized to appoint someone to attend in her stead, only if budget permits.
Section 1. Any member in good standing may suggest changes to be considered and voted upon by the
general membership.
Section 2. A majority vote of members in good standing at the annual or semi-annual convention is
necessary to effect an update of amendments to this constitution.
It is proposed that the Utah CattleWomen’s Association, hereafter known as the UCWA, amend the bylaws of the UCWA to include a scholarship fund and that the amendment would state the following:
Section 1. A scholarship in the amount of $500.00 will be presented to a deserving student and
possibly two if the budget permits, who has chosen to continue their education in an
agriculture based field or any major of their choice.
Section 2. The scholarship(s) shall be awarded after a scholarship committee consisting of three
members in good standing of the UCWA, one of the three to be named a scholarship
chairman, has reviewed all applications of interested students and the committee shall
make a decision based on the following:
A. Parents or guardians of the applicant are members of the Utah Cattlemen’s
Association and/or the Utah CattleWomen’s Association who are members
in good standing with all dues paid and current.
B. The applicant(s) will be continuing their education in an agriculture based
field or any major of their choice.
C. This scholarship will be offered to high school seniors or college freshman,
sophomores or juniors.
Section 3. The funds for the scholarship(s) will come from monies donated by sponsors who specify
that such donations are to be used as scholarship monies and from other UCWA funds.
Section 4. The scholarship(s) will be awarded to the recipient(s) upon receipt of proof of enrollment
to the institution of choice, either through a copy of a receipt of paid tuition for classes, or
a copy of a list of enrollment classes, Proof of enrollment to a higher institution shall be
sent to the UCWA secretary. The scholarship chair will make this request in her letter to
the recipient(s).
Section 5. The scholarship(s) will be awarded only as budget permits and will be an on-going project
of the UCWA as long as sponsors are available.
AUDIT COMMITTEE accepted December 2011
It is proposed that the Utah Cattle Women’s Association, hereafter known as the UCWA, in order to insure proper handling of UCWA funds and to protect those who handle said funds, amend the bylaws of the UCWA to include the formation of an Audit Committee and that the amendment would state the following:
Section 1. Members of the committee shall be made up of a past UCWA Secretary/Treasurer, a Past
President of the UCWA, a Member-at-Large of the UCWA, and a Past President of the Utah
Cattlemen’s Association.
A. The Past President committee member shall be nominated from among the past presidents of the UCWA, shall be in good standing with and a current member of the UCWA. She will be elected at the general membership business meeting during the annual convention to serve a term of 3 years. If for any reason the current Past President committee member cannot finish out her 3 year term a new one shall be elected at the annual convention to finish out the term.
B. The Member at Large committee member shall be nominated from the general membership, shall be in good standing with and a current member of the UCWA. She will be elected at the general membership business meeting during the annual convention to serve a term of 2 years. If for any reason the current Member at Large committee member cannot finish out her 2 year term a new one shall be elected at the annual convention to finish out the term.
C. The past UCWA Secretary/Treasurer committee member shall be nominated from among the past secretary/treasurers of the UCWA, shall be in good standing with and a current member of the UCWA. She will be elected at the general membership business meeting during the annual convention to serve a term of 2 years. If for any reason the current Past President committee member cannot finish out her 2 year term a new one shall be elected at the annual convention to finish out the term
D. The Past Cattlemen’s President Committee member shall be determined by the Utah Cattlemen’s Association and shall serve a term of 3 years. If for any reason the current Past Cattlemen’s President Committee member cannot finish out his 3 year term a new one shall be appointed at the annual convention to finish out the term.
Accepted November 29, 2018
Section 2. The Audit Committee shall meet by October of the current fiscal year to present their report
to the Board of Directors and the Budget committee so the Budget committee can prepare a
projected budget to present at the annual general membership meeting. They shall submit a
report of their findings to the current UCWA Executive Committee to be presented to the
Board of Directors at the mid-year convention and the general membership at the annual
Section 3. The duties of the Audit Committee shall be:
A. Review the bank statements and financial transactions of the past fiscal year.
B. Reconcile receipts to matching check numbers, and to make sure all receipts have been marked
PAID and purpose of disbursement defined.
C. Make sure all reimbursements and payments are in line with the descriptions of allocations found in
Article V.
D. Make sure all deposits are handled appropriately with a detailed description of how much was
deposited and source of income.
E. Make recommendations of how to improve the records, adjust mistakes or acknowledge a job well
BUDGET COMMITTEE accepted 12-5-2013
It is proposed that the Utah Cattle Women’s Association, hereafter known as the UCWA, amend the bylaws of the UCWA to include a Budget Committee and that the amendment would state the following:
Accepted November 29, 2018
Section 1. Members of the committee shall be made up of the current UCWA president, President-elect,
Secretary/Treasurer, the Immediate Past UCWA president and a Member-At-Large.
A. The President shall serve on the committee for the duration of her term. If for any reason she is
unable to finish out her term, the newly elected President shall fill that position.
B. The President-elect shall serve on the committee for the duration of her term. If for any reason she
is unable to finish out her term, the newly elected President-elect shall fill that position.
C. The Secretary/Treasurer shall serve on the committee for the duration of her term. If for any reason
she is unable to finish out her term, the President shall appoint a new Secretary/Treasurer to fill that
D. The Member-At-Large committee member shall be nominated from the general membership, shall
be in good standing with and a current member of the UCWA. She will be elected at the general
membership business meeting during the annual convention to serve a term of 3 years. If for any
reason the current Member -At-Large committee member cannot finish out her 3 year term a new
one shall be elected at the annual convention to finish out the term.
Accepted November 29, 2018
Section 2. The Budget Committee shall meet after the Audit committee prepares their report in October
and before the annual convention to prepare a budget to be brought forth before the Executive
Committee for approval. It will then be presented to the general membership at the annual
meeting for acceptance by a motion and a second. Copies will be made available to the
general membership for their own review at the general membership annual mee